The Historical Society genealogy files are increasing by the day, and we want to share as much information as we can. Below is a list of family names which have a file here. Some folders carry a lot of information; some only a little. If research needs to be done, you are invited to contact us and come here during hours we are open to research.
Bulleted List
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- Damon
- Daniels
- Davis
- Dean
- Denison
- Divoll
- Doubleton
- Drake
- Dudley
- Duncan
- Dutton
- Dwinnell
- Early
- Eddy
- Edson
- Emery
- Estabrook
- Evans
- Evertsen
- Farrar
- Farwell
- Fisher
- Franklin
- French
- Fuller
- Gashiel
- Gibbs
- Gibson
- Gilson
- Gleason
- Goodnow
- Goodridge
- Gould
- Grant
- Gregory
- Hakey
- Hale
- Hall
- Hapgood
- Harris
- Hayes
- Hayward
- Hepp
- Hill
- Holmes
- Houghton
- Howard
- Howe
- Illingsworth
- Jackson
- Jones
- Joy
- Kelly
- Kidder
- Kimball
- Kingsbury
- Kinne
- Knight
- Lake
- Lamb
- Lawrence
- Lawson
- Leach
- Leland
- Lincoln
- Lockerby
- Loveland
- Lovell
- Mack
- Mann
- Mastick
- Mathey
- May
- McLean
- Merrifield
- Mills
- Murgatroy
- Ober
- Palmer
- Park
- Parker
- Perkins
- Perry
- Peters
- Pettengill
- Phelps
- Plummer
- Priest
- Prouty
- Putnam
- Rankin
- Record
- Redfield
- Rhodes
- Rice
- Richardson
- Rider
- Robbins
- Robinson
- Rounds
- Samuel
- Schemmm
- Sherwin
- Slack
- Slocum
- Smalley
- Smith
- Sparks
- Spring
- Stearns
- Stebbins
- Steele
- Stewart
- Stickney
- Stoddard
- Stowell
- Tarbell
- Taylor
- Tenney
- Thatcher
- Thompson
- Turner
- Tuttle
- Unwin
- Wales
- Walker
- Ward
- Wellington
- Wetherbee
- Wetherell
- Wheeler
- Whitcomb
- White
- Whitford
- Wier
- Wilbur
- Wilder
- Willard
- Willey
- Wilson
- Wiltshire
- Woodard
- Woodburn
- Woolley
- Wright
- Zuill
- Buswell
- Butler
- Butterfield
- Cabell
- Cadoret
- Cambridge
- Carpenter
- Carrier
- Caryl
- Chapman
- Clarke
- Closson
- Cobb
- Coburn
- Cochrane
- Colburn
- Colby
- Conant
- Converse
- Cooper
- Crane
- Crowell
- Crumb
- Culver
- Currier
- Cushing
- Cutter
- Adams
- Aldrich
- Allbee
- Allen
- Ames
- Amsden
- Appleton
- Axtell
- Ayres
- Bacon
- Baird
- Baker
- Bancroft
- Barnard
- Barnes
- Barrett
- Barton
- Beaman
- Beard
- Bell
- Bixby
- Blodgett
- Blood
- Bond
- Boynton
- Brown
- Burgess