Most famous now as a storyteller, Daisy Turner, her parents, and her brothers and sisters were well-known and liked members of the Grafton community. Daisy herself is remembered fondly by those who spent childhood days playing on Turner Hill, as well as with guarded respect by those whose most vivid recollec tions include seeing her sitting on the front porch of her village home glaring at passerby as she held a shotgun casually on her lap. Just three years old when the Turners moved nto the house Alec designed and built on Turner Hill, Daisy found employment in the Boston area as a young women, but returned after Sally's death to the Turner Hill home. After the main house, Journey's End burned in 1962, Daisy continued to live on the hill at Birch Dale Camp, originally an outbuilding the Turners rented to visitors; in 1964, she moved down to Grafton Village, where she stayed until her death in 1988.